People Don’t Buy Your Products, People Buy You!

People Buy You!
When a customer makes a buying decision and chooses to work with you, generally it’s not because you have the best product or service, the lowest price or delivered the best sales presentation. Your customers overwhelmingly buy you and from you because they like, trust and believe in you. You first, everything else next! People buy you! Smart salespeople and enlightened business owners recognize that their “product or service” is only one part of the sales process.
Selling starts with you.
Your customers buy your products and services but they keep returning and referring others. Why? Because of how they feel about you and how you made them feel in the process. If they don’t like how you sell, they will never buy what you sell. People buy you!
You must confidently sell yourself first before anyone would consider buying your products, services, ideas, talents or skills. Part of what the customer plans to purchase is who you are. Regardless of what industry you’re in, the sales process is in play every day, in every situation, and its complex. The success of your business and the amount you earn is directly related to how well you project sales confidence.
Pushing people away or drawing them in?
Many salespeople focus almost exclusively on selling their company and their company’s products but pay very little attention to how they sell and present themselves. You’re part of the package and part of what customers are buying. Everything you say and every move you make either pushes clients away or pulls them towards you. The way you communicate and present yourself has a powerful effect on your credibility, trustworthiness and authority.
In every situation, how you show up says volumes about you, your confidence and your belief in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself and what you are selling, no one else will either. Your mindset is critical in this stage of the sales process. Whether you’re selling an idea, pitching a business proposal or offering a product or service—it’s all selling.
Selling is the most important skill every business owner and entrepreneur needs to develop. If you don’t embrace this fact, your business could be headed for trouble.
It’s all about the confidence!
You get back what you put out. The problem is that most of the time salespeople are not aware of the signals they’re giving off. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, it doesn’t matter how good your product is and it doesn’t matter how good you are as a salesperson. If you are transmitting low levels of confidence to your customers, you will not attract the type of quality and targeted customers your business needs to survive.
Self-assured salespeople have the ability to broadcast self-assurance – a quality that draws customers and opportunities to them.
Rock Star Confidence!
In order for other people to buy you, you have to first buy yourself. That means building your confidence! There are no tricks, gimmicks, shortcuts or secrets. The salespeople who are most confident and the most comfortable in their own skin are the people who have built the foundational attributes of success.
Pay attention to what you are projecting to your customers and how they perceive you. Make sure they move toward you, not run away. Remember, the confidence you project, will inspire the confidence in your customers.
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