Top 5 Dangerous Lies Salespeople Tell Themselves

Self-deception is a bad habit
Many people who sell professional services tell themselves lies that prevent them from reaching their sales goals, attracting more clients and earning more money. They lie to themselves about the economy, their prospects and their territory and why they are not closing sales.
To become more effective at selling themselves and their professional services they need to confront what is holding them back from selling their expertise. If you struggle with any of these, call a sales coach or sales training expert.
Here at the top 5 worst lies, excuses, reasons or justifications for not closing more sales.
- “I don’t have time to sell.” Everyone is busy but not everyone is busy doing what they really need to do to close more sales. Top sales people would never use that excuse because that is a money depleting excuse that keeps them stuck and broke. Instead they say, I may not have the time but I sure as heck will make the time for an activity that guarantees my success. There is a part of every day that can be found for selling. You either make time for sales activities or you will set yourself up for plenty of free time with no clients and no money.
- “I don’t like selling.” If you loved selling, chances are you would have become a full-time salesperson. Professional service providers go into business because they love their client work. You’re a CPA, attorney, accountant, dentist, financial planner or insurance agent first and a business builder and revenue generator next. Maybe you tell yourself you don’t want be associated with those pushy or aggressive salespeople. Perhaps you believe your work should speak for itself and selling is demeaning. Get over it. That lie is holding you back and keeping you from attracting clients and earning a great living.
- “I’m not that good at selling myself and my services.” There is only one way around that. When you are unsure how to do something you find a way and learn. Understand how to sell yourself and your services using an approach that makes you and your prospects feel relaxed and open. When you are uncomfortable or dislike selling it will be evident to your prospects. If you are uneasy it makes it difficult for people to trust you and choose to work with you. Uncomfortable prospects don’t buy! Learn the skills necessary so you can grow your business.
- “I’d rather do marketing than selling.” Marketing is not selling and you must merge both to be successful. Your marketing efforts get people to notice you. Your sales skills get them to say YES to you. If you’re not able to convert interested prospects into invested clients, your marketing dollars are wasted and your efforts are meaningless. Knowing how to sell and understanding exactly what you need to do when your marketing efforts find qualified prospects is priceless.
- “I don’t want to be pushy or salesy.” Good! No one else wants you to be that way either. No one I know is looking for pushy, salesy and aggressive sales people. This is a poor excuse for not being successful. It’s one of those excuses that a person uses to give themselves permission to not sell at all. The only fix to this is to update your sales approach. Sell in a way that will never be perceived as pushy or salesy. You have a choice in how you sell and how you show up. You have a choice in the approach you use. Your approach is either attracting clients or repelling clients.
Don’t let the lies, bad excuses, poor reasons and damaging justifications get in the way of selling yourself and your professional services.
If you are unsure where to go or how to start, call a sales training and sales coaching expert who can put you on the right path. You are one email away from that.
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