Sales Fear and Resistance

Got it? Get over it!
Resistance is the most toxic force on the planet. I am not talking about your customers’ resistance, I am talking about yours. You very own sales resistance! The resistance that puts a knot in your stomach and stops you dead in your tracks when you do any activity around selling. (mo, the prior sentence says its fragmented, huh) The voice inside that will tell you anything to keep you from selling and keep you from calling or meeting a new customer. The force is so strong and the voice is so loud that giving in is easier than pushing through. (Mo…any way to make this stronger)
The new sales formula: procrastination + avoidance = no new clients and no new money! It’s a downward spiral.
The battle with sales resistance is raging! Salespeople are quickly realizing what used to work no longer does and repeating their old behaviors are getting them nowhere. If not dealt with and met head on, it will ruin your sales career and take down your business. Sales are the only way to keep your business in business.
I meet salespeople every day that tell me they battle with sales resistance but in the same breath swear they are great at sales. Really? If you are such a great salesperson then how come you can’t sell yourself on your own sales abilities? If you can’t sell you to you than no one will buy what you sell. (Mo…make sense?)
Traditional selling is dead. Unfortunately, many salespeople today are still using outdated selling strategies. They no longer offer a competitive edge that separates them from everyone else in the marketplace. Rather than change their approach, salespeople work harder and longer on strategies that keep producing the same dismal results.
Being a great salesperson doesn’t require having an outgoing personality, being tough as nails, wearing underwear of steel, or possessing an aggressive attitude. It requires a new approach in a new economy with a new type of customer, minus the resistance.
Customers have had it! They’re sick and tired of salespeople that still use the traditional approach to selling and they’re rebelling against you. If you can’t get a customer to call you back, you’re doing something wrong. If you present a proposal and the customer disappears on you, they may feel you’re not trustworthy. If you can’t close a sale, your approach is turning them off. Lastly, if you are still selling on price, you’re probably still using obsolete sales skills.
This scenario will keep playing itself out over and over unless you change your approach. The only sales resistance that exists is your resistance to the awareness and the necessity to make the change. Fear is disguised as resistance! What are you afraid of?
When you allow resistance to become a habit it will drag along its sidekick called rationalization. If unchecked and challenged this dynamic duo with take you down and ruin your business. An amateur gives into resistance but a true professional concentrates on the work and allows success to come. An amateur believes they must overcome the fear resistance in order to attempt to sell. The true professional knows it’s a fear you don’t overcome, you manage it.
Fear takes on many different forms, drains you of energy and robs you of many valuable hours that you could be using to sell more productively, prospect more effectively and grow our business.
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